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  • I agree to confirm my appointment 24-48 hours prior, failure to do so will result In the cancellation of my appointment

  • I agree to let my technician know of any health conditions or surgeries I have had within the last 6 months.

  • I have decided that the benefits of body contouring outweigh the potential for complications and all claims have not been evaluated by any regulatory board. I understand the nature of the procedure(s) and ANY and all possible risks mentioned below. I attest that I am of clear mind, competent, and not under any distress.

  • I understand that procedures involve risk. Risk may include, but not limited to redness, swelling, irritation, burns, skin reactions, etc. I must immediately report any unusual symptoms known to me to my Specialist that includes, but NOT limited to being aware of any slight nature or prominence of persistent chills, fever, redness, increased warmth, excessive bruising or swelling, etc. at the sights treated and systematically.

  • I hereby certify that I am not pregnant or nursing.

  • I understand that the procedure(s) do not correct health problems, including but NOT limited to diabetes, heart attack, stroke, high cholesterol, blood clots, lung problems, stomach, intestinal problems, bladder disease, and an abnormality of the skin. You must consult with your Primary Care Physician for medical advice.

  • I agree to indemnify, hold harmless and release Exotic Enhancements its employees, members, representatives, affiliated organizations, and others acting on the Company's behalf of all claims, demands, causes of action and legal liability, whether the same be known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated. I further agree that except in the events of the Company's gross negligence or willful misconduct, no claims, demands, legal actions and causes of action shall be made against the Company for any economic and non-economic losses of any kind

  • Finally, I certify that I have read and fully understand the contents above.

  • Due to the nature of the service refunds are not given, please contact us should any issues arise after your service.

©2019 by FoxyWinks

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